Matrix Softtek recruiters have access to thousands of specialized IT consultants and numerous temporary assignments available. Whether you are an employer needing to augment your team for a mission-critical project, or a consultant looking for your next project, Matrix Softtek is the right partner. We provide IT staff augmentation services to clients across multiple industries.
We work closely with the client to discover the details of their requirement. Just as important, however, is developing an understanding of the culture and personality of the organization to ensure a comfortable and productive match between client and consultant. Working with the client to define the hard and soft skills required for a position gives us the solid basis needed for finding the right candidate for the client.
Business Development continues to work with the client throughout the course of the engagement, while Recruiting and the Director of Operations deal with the consultants to ensure that the required support is provided for a successful assignment.
Focused on:
- Software Development
- Web and Application Development
- Cloud Development
- Network Administration
- Project Management
- Business Analysis